For this current Weber Road Interchange Reconstruction at I-55, INTERRA is providing Quality Assurance services. INTERRA is performing soil inspection and testing which includes Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing which verifies the stability of the soil. Other services include proof rolls, soil bearing, and compaction services. For concrete INTERRA is verifying the slump, air content, and temperature. Cylinder specimens are also being made and transported to the INTERRA laboratory. Soil testing was performed in accordance with the Embankment I specifications and contract special provisions. The bearing capacity for the foundation soil for the box culvert were also verified as per plans. Quality assurance testing was performed for various cast-in-place concrete items on the jobsite which included split sample testing with QC for slump, air content, and casting cylinders. The hot mix asphalt (HMA) was Quality Control for Performance (QCP). During QCP production, the plant, field, and laboratory inspection was performed at the random locations determined by INTERRA. The sampling as per the random locations were monitored and witnessed by INTERRA.